Black Ops Sales Training

Imagine being able to conduct ONE simple conversation with a customer and immediately elicit feelings of desire and loyalty toward YOU and the products or services you’re offering.

With ease, you can have them pulling out their wallets without even realizing they’ve been “sold”!

And after you’ve collected the CA$H, they’ll STILL walk away mesmerized and eager to take action.

It’s SIMPLE and it’s that stealthy.

That’s Why It’s Called BlackOps Sales!

Like activating a sleeper cell in a foreign country that’s been waiting to emerge,  Black Ops Sales techniques allow you to AWAKEN a psychological sleeper cell within your customers’ subconscious.

Beyond their awareness, you will be able to stimulate this psychological sleeper cell. You can then influence their subconscious mind to begin operating on your behalf.

Without knowing why, people will suddenly feel they’ve been waiting to meet someone just like you.

For some reason they can’t explain, the decision to purchase from you just seems “right”!

YOUR MISSION… Should Choose To Accept It…

Is to Become THAT PERSON Who Is Able to Trigger This Subconscious Activity Inside Your Customer’s Mind.

And believe me, if I can do this…


I know this is true because I wasn’t always a great salesman.

In fact, the whole sales process used to terrify me!

I’d get so nervous making a sales call, I’d totally forget what I wanted to say. Then I’d stumble, maybe remember half of what I wanted to say, and completely BLANK on the rest of it.

Two hours after the call, I’d come up with all the great things I should have said, but didn’t.

Not really helpful.

In short, I was pretty pathetic!

So I did what you have probably already tried, too.

I went out and bought:

  • “How to” sales books
  • Tapes and CD’s about sales
  • Seminars on sales

But what I was left with was TOTAL CHAOS !!!

While I had all these great ideas, I felt like I was buried in a pile of bits and pieces of information. Although there were tactics for sales calls and suggested scripts for closing deals…

… there was NO SYSTEM to any of it.

And almost all of the techniques I was learning about focused on what you can say to deal with the customer’s conscious mind. They talked about how to handle objections, how to turn features into benefits, or how to ask questions to find out what they really want.  

Still, I didn’t understand WHY I was doing some of the things I was doing.

And no matter what I did, I just wasn’t connecting to the emotional part of a person that is THE REAL DECISION-MAKER.

In today’s environment, it’s not what you know or who you know. It’s HOW PERSUASIVE YOU ARE. 

That’s what makes the difference between the successful and everyone else.

I had no idea about this until…..

I discovered NLP…and a WHOLE NEW WAY of selling.

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

It’s the science and psychology behind the top-performing sales people and performance gurus of our time:

Anthony Robbins
Dan Kennedy
Chet Holmes
T. Harv Eker
Robert Kiyosaki
Bill Gates
Bill Clinton
Oprah Winfrey
Greg Louganis
And a TON of other people who use it but don’t call it what it is!

NLP is the result of modeling others who are getting excellent results. By using NLP, you are doing what the best performers do and can go beyond them with your results.

NLP allows you to say the right trigger words and use the right body language to establish INSTANT rapport with anyone you’re talking to.

This means they’ll trust you faster and more easily.



 NLP masters are able to read people’s subconscious “tells.”

It may make you uncomfortable to know this, but EVERYONE reveals their thoughts and emotions through their body language, eye movements, and breathing rate.

Your customers are just like the people playing poker who have uncontrollable, subconscious actions that REVEAL their thoughts, feelings, and intentions.

In fact, your prospects will reveal to you EXACTLY where they stand in relation to your sale

IF you know just what to look for!

Black Ops Sales Training transforms traditional sales training by adding the power of NLP to the process.

Instead of a pile of sales tactics all duct taped together, you’ll learn a streamlined, systematic process for converting prospects into paying customers


I call it a “mechanism” because it’s automatic.

Our brains are trained to respond automatically to certain stimuli. It could be a facial expression, a posture, or a movement.

Most people go through their lives sending out random, uncalculated stimuli and receiving undesirable responses from people as a result.

As long as your outgoing signals are random, you will NEVER achieve the sales results you seek!

Once you begin to transmit calculated signals that assure people or rather their subconscious decision-making center that they can trust you, YOUR SALES WILL GO THROUGH THE ROOF!

So here’s the deal…

You can keep buying those books, CDs, and seminars.

You can keep trying to achieve MASSIVE results while sending out non-verbal messages that are Turning People OFF.

OR …

You can learn The ONLY System That Will Transform You Into A Stealthy Salesperson…trained to connect with people on a level that gives you enormous leverage…

…the subconscious level of the mind you can access using NLP.

You will receive:

1.     4-hour audio training on BlackOps Sales (A $97.00 Value)

2.    Transcript of the audio training (A $37.00 Value)

3.    Special Black Ops Sales Training cheat sheets (A $49.00 Value)


(see below for more details)

Total Package Value $442.00

You can complete this digital training right from the comfort of your own home for

Only  $ 47.00

No traveling. No hassle. It’s that easy.

Purchase now!

Now, I’ve got to tell you up front…There are other NLP “Practitioners” out there.

And there are 2 main things that set us apart:

1.    We bring “unique” (maybe even scandalous!) qualifications to the table (more on that later)

2.    No one’s going to come close to the deal we’re about to offer you!

I’m DJ Pritchard, Creator of the Black Ops Training System.

 I’m a Certified NLP Master Practitioner Trainer. That means I’m a certified expert in NLP and qualified at the highest level to teach others how to use it.

 I’ve studied directly under Richard Bandler, the original co-developer of NLP. I’ve also studied with Eben Pagan and some of the biggest names in marketing today.

On a personal note, I’ve studied with Timothy Leary, Ram Das, and even the Dalai Lama!

I went from total underemployment to being able to produce a consistent 80% closing rate for me and for my coaching clients.

My training partner, Bert Lindsey, has his own set of combat skills to bring to the table.

Bert runs a TOP chiropractic practice here in Phoenix.

He is so amazing with people and healing their ailments.

He Gets ALL His Business Through Referrals!

You’ve probably already guessed.

YES. He’s one of the HIGHEST PAID chiropractors in town.

In addition, Bert is a 6th Degree Black Belt Master in Tang Soo Do. He actively practices and teaches.

This means he understands the concept of strategy, prediction of attack, and how to use your opponents weight – and decisions – to achieve victory.

So, it’s a lot like sales!

Bert is also an NLP Master Practitioner Trainer who has trained under Richard Bandler and he credits the success of his chiropractic sales largely to his knowledge and use of NLP.

Here are few comments our clients have said about working with us:

Doubling the sales closing percentage:

I used the BlackOps techniques and doubled my sales closing percentage in three months and its still climbing.”- Mike Colcord, Phoenix AZ

Measurable change since working with DJ: Clarity of purpose and freedom to take actions that are clearly and deeply aligned with purpose.  For instance, one of my challenges has been to get up early in the morning to do morning workouts.  After just one session with DJ, I’ve been able to overcome this challenge and get up early in the morning with total energy and passion.
Comment on Quality:  DJ is fiercely committed to excellence when it comes to helping people achieve their outcomes.  His passion and desire to help his clients is unparalleled.
” -Dhaval, Phoenix AZ

I have gained measurable insight and skills working with DJ.
DJ’s gifts combine real life knowledge in a fun and yet powerful expression that create effective change.
” -Lori Pinkerton, Phoenix AZ

And a few more…

DJ is the man, that is all that needs to be said.” -Leslie, Phoenix AZ

Found ALL the information life changing. Most importantly,  changing my ways to use NLP for good.” -Derek Joseph, Ontario Canada

I am very pleased with the outcome. Thank you Bert and DJ for “working your magic” on me.” -Rosie Swenson, Scottsdale AZ

What Sets Us Apart

One of the things that sets our training apart is

HOW you’ll learn these new skills…

You won’t just “learn” the Black Ops Sales process. You’ll actually DO IT. You’ll have the opportunity to run the methods and techniques OVER and OVER and OVER until it starts feeling completely natural to you!

In addition to working on your sales skills, you’ll work on yourself, too. Based on our experience, we know everyone has at least a FEW MENTAL BLOCKS to sales.

We’ve got special techniques to get you past those blocks FAST and unlock YOUR True Potential!

So what will you be able to do by the time you’re done?

You’ll be able to:

  • Apply a natural, 4-step process to every situation that requires PERSUASION… so you can close more sales
  • Integrate non-verbal skills into your communication strategies… so you’re sending signals that get a favorable response, NOT rejection
  • Position yourself as the best and only option for their purchase
  • Tap into your prospects’ inner decision-making mechanism in a way that guarantees a positive response toward you
  • Implement a dialogue that lets clients convince themselves to buy… so selling is easier for you that it’s been before
  • Predict and handle objections to make an “effortless close”
  • Finally feel like you’re at the top of the sales game!

Now if you’ve done your research, you already know that other sales programs like this sell for as much as $1,500.00! That’s not even including airfare, hotel, and meals…


Let Us Make You A Special Offer!

We would normally charge $197.00 for this product and that’s roughly what our competitors would charge as well.

But because this is our special introductory offer, we’re charging a LOT LESS…  

And it’s the ONLY time it will be offered at this low introductory price of:


You will receive

1.     4-hour audio training on BlackOps Sales (A $97.00 Value)

2.    Transcript of the audio training (A $37.00 Value)

3.    Special Black Ops Sales Training cheat sheets (A $49.00 Value)

This information is PRICELESS!


With the purchase, you’ll also receive a

 One-on-One Private Coaching Session

BONUS VALUE:  $259.00

We Want You to Be Completely Satisfied, so in addition,

We are offering You our


If you are not convinced that Black Ops Sales Training is worth the price you paid, we will refund 100% of your money.


Consider What You’ll Risk By NOT Giving BlackOps Sales A Try

RISK #1: You’ll continue fumbling in CHAOS, trying to piece together all sorts of sales techniques on your own. I tried this approach for YEARS. It didn’t work for me. Not until this step-by-step process did I start closing deals consistently at 80%.

RISK #2: You’ll keep relying on commons tactics that imprint the word “SALES” right across your forehead. The beauty of Black Ops Sales is STEALTH. The only sales training that lets you tackle the subconscious mind and lets you sell without being “sales-y.”

RISK #3:  You may never get past that sick sense of failure that comes with losing control of a sale. Black Ops Sales trains you to use customer objections to your advantage… and never lose control. You’ll be able to target their emotions from the inside out… not from the outside in.

If you’re happy where you are, by all means Stop Reading NOW!


if ANY of the Risks I just listed above strikes a chord in you, that’s YOUR subconscious telling YOU that


You will receive

1.     4-hour audio training on BlackOps Sales (A $97.00 Value)

2.    Transcript of the audio training (A $37.00 Value)

3.    Special Black Ops Sales Training cheat sheets (A $49.00 Value)

+ One-on-one Coaching Session (A $259.00 Value)

Total Package Value $442.00

You can complete this digital training right from the comfort of your home for

Only  $ 47.00

No traveling. No hassle. It’s that easy.

Purchase now!


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